Mission Statement
The Port of Quincy is committed to facilitate and expand trade promotion, industrial development, and tourism; and to maximize opportunities for area residents and businesses.

When you log on at the Drive-In WiFi Hotspot site you will be asked to identify your uses such as education, telehealth, job search or government services. This information will help determine the important reasons we need to increase broadband availability to homes and businesses in our state.
The Port of Quincy is committed to facilitate and expand trade promotion, industrial development, and tourism; and to maximize opportunities for area residents and businesses.
Located in the center of Washington State, the Port of Quincy is ranked as one of the top low-cost rural locations in the United States for business and economic development with state-of-the-art industrial infrastructure including abundant low-cost hydropower electricity, high-capacity bandwidth dark fiber, an ample supply of natural gas, a key cross-country rail mainline (from Seattle to Chicago), a modern intermodal terminal, a major interstate freeway (I-90), a new water treatment system, close proximity to the Columbia River and plenty of water, a skilled workforce, an active foreign trade zone, nearby commercial air service, and affordable industrial and commercial properties.
COVID-19 Procedures for the Port of Quincy