Commission Meetings & Hearings

The Regular Commission Meetings for the Port of Quincy are on the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month.

 You may attend the meeting in-person or through our Microsoft Teams meeting access. Our Port meetings are held every 2nd & 4th Wednesday of   the month. Meetings begin at 4:00 p.m. *Please note- Port meeting dates and times are subject to change.*

 Meetings are held at 101 F Street SW, Quincy, WA 98848

  2nd Wednesday of the month call-in 1-872-242-8079, Access code- 114 884 669#

 4th Wednesday of the month call-in 1-872-242-8079, Access code- 158 820 177#

 If you would like to receive the Port of Quincy meeting Agenda’s, please contact the office @ 509-787-3715